Tasting a Burgundy with Ham & Eggs –
April 2022 –
This Faiveley 2019 Burgundy (Pinot Noir) is one of Susan’s Fine Wines’ Wine Club wine of the month. We’ve selected it for a dinner of the French style ham and cheese sandwich, dipped in beaten egg and fried (on the BBQ because that’s the cooking device we have) then topped with a fried egg. The bechemel traditional for a croque sandwich was faked with a little Dijon mustard and Greek yogurt.
Tasting Notes
Look: (hue, intensity and thickness:) bright ruby, medium thick
Smell: (try for 3 fruit, 3 other, (earth or oak)) a) plum, sweet strawberries, b) dirt, leaf mulch
Taste: (sweetness, tartnesss, tannin (sandpaper), alcohol): dry, above medium for tartness, and soft tannins, low alcohol.
Think: Opened for an hour or two before drinking. Smell wasn’t intense, mostly plummy and earthy on tasting, and drinking outdoors, so it worked with the situation and seemed balanced.