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Easy Cheese Making

– a soft cheese; preserving milk

Before leaving on a short vacation, I used ingredients in the fridge – that might go bad while we’re gone – to make a simple soft cheese.

The process begins with the milk you want to preserve (as cheese), to which you add a curdling device like yogurt. Then, heat the milk slowly until the curds separate from the liquid. Strain the cheese through cheese-cloth or an old, but clean, tea towel.

For one batch I added cut tarragon from the herb garden. Adding cream that I also wanted to preserve made this a softer batch that we took to a friends house and ate as an appetizer with crackers and bread. A second batch did not include cream and was much firmer. This batch went into the fridge and was a nice simple soft cheese when we returned.

ingredients for a simple soft cheese

heating the milk with yogurt to make a soft cheese

straining the whey from the cheese curds

added herbs to the cheese curds before straining, yeilds this final product

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