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Cleaning Green Chilis

Fred’s Socorro Green Chili from the Harbor Freight parking lot – open until sometime in the afternoon – roasted a sack of chilis from not-Hatch, and he swears they are meater and easier to peel than the Hatch variety.

He plans to be in the parking lot roasting for 2 more weeks meaning about mid October. The bag purchased today, Sept. 29, had a good variety of red and greens.

This sack cost $60 – cash only – and provided us with 14 sandwich bags each stuffed with 3 snack bags, each of which weighs about 1 pound 6 oz. or 22 oz.

Two of us cleaned the chilis: one removing the skin, the other seeding. The clean chilis went into our sink’s colander, and were bagged by a third person. About 4 very meaty chilis went into each snack bag. The whole process took 2 hours plus some extra clean up.  And Fred needed 20 minutes to do the roasting.

Taste will be evaluated later, but the sample I had at Fred’s was very flavorful. The smell is fabulous and the temperature Medium has a kick but doesn’t overpower the flavor. And doesn’t leave a burning aftertaste.

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